
How to Sharpen Food Processor Blades

How to Sharpen Food Processor Blades?

How to Sharpen Food Processor Blades

A food processor is a critical element in every household. Due to its continuous usage, the blades become blunt, reducing the efficiency of its performance. That affects the quality of output processed. For you to avoid such inconveniences there are different types of tools and methods that you can engage to sharpen the blades of the food processor. This article gives you a broad view of how to handle the blades of your food processor. But before exploring that, what makes the blades of your processor blunt?

Why do the Blades Get Blunt?

Do you clean your food processor immediately after use? If not, that could be a primary reason. The food particles stick on your blades and make it blunt. With time, the blade will become rusty, and that’s a health hazard. Again what do you use your processor to do? If you process bones, expect it to become blunt quickly. Below are the methods you can use to sharpen your blade.

Methods of Sharpening

There are different ways you can use to sharpen the food processor blades. Some go for electric sharpeners. Unfortunately, this method is likely to weaken your blade. You can imagine the dangers of using a weak blade on your food processor. Below are other methods to consider.

Using Blade Sharpener Tools

Some of the tools include auto sharpener devices as well as the sandstone. Luckily, they are locally available at a reasonable price. Since they are easy to work with, you can purchase them and sharpen your processor without requiring help. Don’t worry about the curved part; these tools are capable of sharpening it. If you have no idea how to use them, read on.

  • Unhook your blade from its mechanical base. That means you require a screwdriver to help you unhook your blade. If the blade is dirty, you can consider washing.
  • Consider the safety of your fingers before sharpening your blade. Wear cut resistance gloves first. You wouldn’t risk sharpening the blade when the middle is spinning. That’s why anti-spin plastic support is vital. You can use it to hold your blade and prevent it from spinning.
  • Take the sharpening tool and hold it by the edge.
  • Rub it on your blades. Without applying excessive pressure, rub it up and down. Any attempt to change the up and down pattern will make your blades blunt.
  • You can rub your sharpener on your blade several times. Rub against the blade for a minimum of 4-6 times.
  • If you are not sure if the blade is sharp, you should test it. Take a paper and use the blade to cut it without exerting pressure.
  • If it’s sharp enough, it should cut the paper easily. If it’s not, sharpen it again until it passes the test.

Using Rock salt

Maybe you are used to buying the rock salt as a beauty pack. Could be, you have heard of its numerous health benefits. All that aside, did you know that you can use it to sharpen your blades easily? Luckily, for those who don’t know about the rock salt, it’s available locally. You can buy it at the grocery and super shops.

In this method, you don’t require a screwdriver, neither do you need unhooking the blade from its base.

  • Pick a few solid pieces of your rock salt.
  • Hook these pieces with your blander machine at the shell of your food processor. So, why pick the solid piece instead of the powdered ones? It’s because you require something that will create enough friction.
  • Switch on your food processor for a few seconds and stop.
  • Wait for another five seconds before switching it on again.
  • Continue the process until the rock salt becomes powder.
  • Check if blades are sharp.

So how often should you sharpen your blades when using this method? Since you don’t want your blade to become blunt again, once or twice a month is okay.

Using a Ceramic Sharpener

A look at the price may push you away. That should not be the case since cheap ceramic sharpeners exist. Working with it is faster and convenient. Below are steps on how to use it.

  • Note that the sharpener works well when it’s first soaked in water. So leave it for 5 minutes in the water.
  • Position it on your working bench and remove the plastic cover.
  • For your safety, wear cut resistant gloves.
  • Use one hand to hold the handles firmly. The other hand should hold the spindle of your blade.
  • Gently run your blade through your ceramic sharpener at least seven times.
  • Test the sharpness of your blade by cutting a paper without exerting pressure.
  • If you are satisfied, clean your blade.

Using a Knife Sharpener

With a couple of dollars, you can purchase it. Apart from sharpening the food processor blades, it will also sharpen your knives. It is easy to use and has lightweight. So, no need to incur extra costs looking for help. Here is how to use it.

  • Using one hand, hold the plastic spindle of your blade.
  • Hold your sharpener using the other hand and let your fingers curve beneath it.
  • Gently place your sharpener on the edge of your blade.
  • Move it slowly and continuously away from you in a sawing motion for at least five times.
  • Sharpen both sides of the blades.
  • Test its sharpness by cutting a piece of paper.
  • Clean your blade and rinse it.


At some point, your blades will become blunt. If you continue using it, it will ruin your food quality and waste a lot of time. Throwing your food processor away is not a good option. Learn the winning tips on how you can sharpen your food processor blades and enjoy using it. There are different types of sharpeners available locally. The electric method is not the best since it can weaken your blades.

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